Agility Accelerator Help Guide
Survey Set-up: Expertise Questions
This section is optional. It does add length to the survey, but can provide valuable information about expertise. The questions may be asked as a unit, or individually, as desired. If asked as a unit, it provides insight into expertise DEMAND (who needs what expertise and who do they go to for it) and SUPPLY (who holds the expertise and is tapped or holds it but is untapped). Up to 20 expertise areas may be identified; these should be critical, strategic, and/or emerging areas important for the future success.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you\’d like the ability for people to select from a broader set of names than those responding to the survey, you have the option to do this and include thousands of additional names. These people will not receive the survey, but will be available to be selected as an expert. To do this, in the import_answers_template, add the first name, last name and email address of the experts, using \”Non-participant Expert\” in the \”Type\” column.
Expertise Questions
- Expertise Areas Sought: Identify up to 20 areas of expertise. Respondents will be asked to select up to THREE areas that they rely upon to do their work. Since this list will not likely be exhaustive, consider including an \”Other\” or \”None of these apply\” option.
- Experts: There is no need to make any changes to this question, however, you may modify it as desired. The system will automatically pull forward into this question the 1-3 responses chosen by the respondent in the previous question. They will be asked to identify up to three people they turn to for each of the selected areas from the namelist loaded in the beginning. This allows us to identify the most sought-out experts.
- Expertise Areas Possessed: In this question, respondents are asked to identify expertise areas that they possess and are willing to share with others. We often find, particularly in fast-growing companies, that people rely on the same people (typically with high tenure) and aren\’t aware of the newer people who might hold the same expertise AND have more bandwidth to assist.
- Free-form question: This provides you the opportunity to ask an open question, possibly as a follow-up to expertise, or as a concluding question in the survey.