Agility Accelerator Help Guide

Getting Started: Overview

A fundamental shift is transforming the business world: a move from hierarchical management to agile networks. It may sound simple but implementation proves incredibly complex. One way to speed this transition is to ensure the right collaborative practices are in place and that group dynamics enable success.

The Agility Accelerator is an interactive platform that does just this. With the ability to visualize and analyze collaboration, it provides insights about how work flows within your team, group or department. Recommendations are embedded at key points to explain “why this matters” and “what actions can you take.”

This simple and innovative tool transforms a traditionally long and cumbersome multi-month organizational network analysis into a fraction of the time—as little as a week or two—with deep and immediate results. The Accelerator provides valuable insights for any group, team or function whose goals depend upon effective collaboration.

Target uses include:

  • Empower leaders with insights on key influencers, change agents and boundary spanners to turbocharge transformation efforts or initiatives.
  • Improve retention and productivity by identifying where collaborative overload is jeopardizing critical employees from burnout or isolation is causing available expertise to go untapped.
  • Target silos or network patterns that undermine innovation or sharing of best practices.
  • Determine if networks are inclusive across various attributes.
  • Ensure that new hires are on-boarded effectively, for improved retention.
  • Identify expertise networks to ensure experts connect and expertise is distributed.
  • Uncover hidden talent – people critical to the network – but who are not recognized as high performers and therefore present a flight risk.
  • Identify ways of working and norms that are strengths or weaknesses with tailored recommendations.

This tool was created by the Connected Commons based on over 20 years of research with over 300 organizations.

Interested in getting started?

The use of this assessment can be managed entirely by a Client Administrator at your organization in three simple steps:

  1. Customize the built-in survey
  2. Deploy survey to the participants you\’ve identified
  3. See results immediately upon closing assessment

To learn more, please contact the Connected Commons at

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